Pascale of Version à la Française had won my ExpatExpo raffle for dinner for two at Jeanne A., the charcuterie, traiteur, bistro run by Frederic Hubig of the adjacent Astier. She very kindly asked me to be her guest for dinner and networking.
I arrived a few minutes early and stopped for un verre at Astier where I ran into Amy from Brooklyn and Burgundy and Marcy from Umbria. After establishing our Brooklyn bona fides (Junior High School, High School and neighborhood) I was invited to join them while I waited for Pascal. When she arrived Robert filled a glass for her and topped mine as we all got acquainted.
I had attended a press party for the soft opening in September but Jeanne A. was now in full stride.
Frederic poured a Pouilly Fumé 2008 Domaine Masson-Blondelet from the Astier cave with an Assiette de saucisses et saucissons (Jésus de Lyon, Rosette de Lyon, saucisse au Laguiole) that was followed by an entrée portion of juicy chou-farci
For our main course we chose Gigot d’agneau de lait frotté à la moutardeàl’ancienne et au thym with a glass of Foillard’s excellent 2008 Morgon.
Another glass of Morgon enhanced our cheese selection.
By now it was after midnight and we were completely satisfied requiring neither coffee nor calvados. We exchanged bye-bye bisous and ventured into the night in search of transportation.
42 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, Paris 75011
Metro: Oberkampf, République, Parmentier
9:30AM -10PM, closed Tuesday & Wednesday
Tel: 01 43 55 09 49.
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